Arden Secondary Campus is a vibrant learning environment where students are well known, well cared for and well taught.

Located at Epping, the Secondary Campus features a new five-storey building which opened in 2020. The Essex building consists of modern, flexible classrooms and learning spaces where students are encouraged and supported to achieve their very best. This building has been integrated into the existing Oxford Street facilities to achieve a comprehensive and accessible learning environment.

Like our Junior Campus at Beecroft, Arden’s Secondary Campus is a place where students know that they belong, are valued and supported and are part of a nurturing and inclusive community. They appreciate the dedication and rapport of their teachers, the academic focus and are excited at the breath of co-curricular opportunities available.

“So often we hear ‘I had the best day!’ as students walk away on their first day at Arden; they have a sense of knowing that Arden was the right choice.”

Matt Mallison, Head of Middle School.

Our co-educational environment ensures that students learn together in a realistic and authentic setting, with equality in both academic and co-curricular activities.  Students are encouraged to be inquisitive and creative, to act thoughtfully and respectfully toward each other and to nurture their God-given gifts and talents building a life-long love of learning.

The Secondary Campus encourages greater independence as students mature and navigate their teenage years with individual timetables and elective subjects.

Our strong emphasis on Pastoral Care works together with our rigorous academic program, to nurture and encourage students to know themselves, empowering them to grow and learn in line with the School’s values of Compassion, Courage, Hope, Love, Respect and Service, encouraging them in their faith and preparing them to live lives of purpose and hope; ready to go into the world to make every day matter.



This subject is the heart of what Arden is all about.  It’s a chance to look at what matters most in life.  Students have the opportunity to work out for themselves what they believe, in a safe and non-judgement environment.  They grow in their understanding of the Bible and that it is not an outdated book, rather full of great wisdom for modern day living.  This subject shares the limitless depths, heights and widths of God’s love and how that gives meaning and purpose to life.

Studies of Religion

This is a subject is available to Year 11 and 12 students and its content is mostly new to every learner and quite unlike any other subject in school life.  Studies of Religion helps students to see life through other’s eyes as they learn about our world, its people and their beliefs, whilst also looking at their own beliefs and worldview.  Students have the privilege of studying our First Nations people and culture as well various other spiritual and religious beliefs.  This subject has great connections with other Higher School Certificate subjects such as History, Legal Studies, Geography, English, Society and Culture and has valuable influence towards developing and appreciating our diverse world.

Creative and Performing Arts


“Drama allows you to explore different areas of learning which are new and exciting.” Secondary Drama student

The study of Drama offers students the opportunity to explore their creativity, discover God-given skills and talents and take risks; building resilience and confidence.

At Arden Drama provides an inclusive and secure environment where all students can find their voice and help them to understand their place in the world.  The classes encourage students to build trust and support one another to succeed and flourish.

“It feels like a family; working together and supporting each other.” Secondary Drama Student

Most of all, students have fun together as they develop skills such as creative and lateral thinking, teamwork, higher order thinking and synthesising complex ideas in practical ways – all of which help them to achieve their potential.


Music aims to equip students to be knowledgeable and inquiring as well as caring and compassionate. There is a strong emphasis on encouraging students to develop cultural understanding, open-mindedness and the attitude necessary for them to respect and evaluate a range of points of view. Students are inspired to express themselves and expand their own music-making as they engage with a diverse range of music to broaden their own musical horizons. We enable students to explore a range of musical contexts and make links to, and between, different musical practices, conventions and forms of expression. Students acquire, develop and experiment with musical competences, both individually and collaboratively. They develop a deeper understanding of the music they engage with through theoretical studies and experience as creators and performers.

Music Extension is available for Year 12 students.


Creativity is at the very core of this subject, which is fulfilling, fun, expressive, satisfying, even cathartic.  Visual Arts students love the freedom to express ideas and feel empowered as creative communicators.  Engagement in creative communication as a visual artist shows our students that their ideas are valued at Arden and that they can contribute to positive change in the world.  Students feel valued and are influenced to become critical thinkers who are thoughtful producers and discerning consumer of visual culture.


Margaret Atwood once wrote in a poem  

“ A word after a word After a word is power.” 

Here at Arden we believe that the study of English is not just about skills – it is about opportunities.  The texts we study transport our students from their own world into others – into times, lives, places, circumstances and experiences of others as they read, listen, view, discuss, reflect, respond and compose. The study of English fosters empathy and critical thinking skills.  Our students are inspired towards a life-long love of reading, viewing widely and writing for pleasure, all whilst meeting our basic need to understand ourselves and others.  Engaging with literature teaches us how to treat others and how to model our School Values of Compassion, Service, Love, Hope, Courage and Respect.  Through studying the English language in a wide range of forms, Arden students develop their own voices, appreciating that words are indeed power – power to share, inspire and make a difference in the world.

English Extension 1 is available for students in Year 11 and 12 and students in Year 12 can study English Extension 2.



Students are inspired as they learn to value and appreciate how businesses, small and large, achieve their objectives, as well as profit. The business world is opened to our students, and they gain a clear understanding of the opportunities after school. Business Studies helps prepare students to participate effectively, ethically, and responsibly in the changing business world and global economy. Through case studies of organisations that the students regularly frequent, we investigate contemporary business matters including operations, finances, marketing and human resources, which provides a stimulating and relevant framework to apply their problem-solving skills and growing knowledge.


Our students like Commerce because it is embedded in the real, commercial world in which we all live. Students learn to feel empowered to make wise decisions that could provide direction on their future quality of life – a successful, independent life.  They build financial literacy, explore employment opportunities, gain an understanding of small business operation, learn about consumer legal rights and develop an entrepreneurial spirit.  Through research and real-world case studies, our students see their potential to make a positive contribution to a broad range of commercial, legal and political fields.  They develop confidence to make financial decisions in an increasingly complex environment, including decisions about investing, education, savings, taxation, superannuation, and credit. Commerce is the steppingstone to other subject areas such as Business Studies, Legal Studies and Economics.


Economics is a challenging course that helps students understand how the world works. It is a social science that is focused on answering the question of how to allocate limited resources in order to satisfy the wants of society, efficiently and fairly. Our students learn that the economic decisions made within Australia and globally have a profound influence on the quality of life experienced by people everywhere – they have the power to change the world and make it a better place. Students gain an understanding of varying economic systems, policies and regulation.  In particular, how mixed economies, such as Australia’s, function in an increasingly globalised world – they become true global citizens and begin to see how they might serve society through the application of economics in various settings.  More generally, students develop skills of problem solving, critical thinking, collaboration and communication.


Geography is not just studying a map of the world, it is a multi-disciplinary subject that captures elements of past and present, with a future-focus of both the human and natural world, and how they interact.  We want students to feel that they are a very important part of something very significant – plant earth!  Studying Geography in the secondary years allows students to connect with our world intellectually and emotionally, to understand the complexities and inequities, to truly recognise its beauty and to see the relevance of God’s Word to us all.  We believe that the study of Geography gives students the skills to respond our world’s challenges in creative and meaningful ways.  The knowledge gained enables intellectual discussion, the ability to think critically and problem-solve as well as develop a passion to be part of positive change for the future.


Studying History is more than just learning about dates, places, events, and people of the past.  History stimulates curiosity, encourages debate, promotes critical thinking and alternative perspectives, develops research skills and the ability to analyse information. These skills are vital for living and working in an information-rich world and one which requires interpretation of the past so that we can inform the present and help shape the future.  To be an historian is a privilege – we have a unique opportunity to meet those who have shaped our lives, regardless of their culture, language, geography, beliefs, or authority so that we might better understand our similarities, as well as our differences.  History is our context, our triumph and despair, our pride and our shame.  It is also our hope and our opportunity.

Year 12 students have the opportunity to study History Extension.


Legal Studies students feel confident, capable and courageous in their capacity to engage intelligently with current affairs, as well their ability to comprehensively research a position in order to appreciate competing perspectives. Students learn to express their opinions with both compassion and authority, recognise the power of change, and see all people as equal in human dignity and worth.  Legal Studies empowers students to appreciate the value of words, the rigour of research, the power of reason and the eloquence of argument.  Students are inspired to give a voice to the voiceless, hope to the hopeless and offer justice to all, regardless of individual or collective circumstance.  The ability of the law to challenge prejudice, reveal truth and right wrongs is the learning and influence of this subject – not only for the duration of the course, but for a lifetime.


Studying a language opens new worlds to students. The mandatory study of a language other than English increases students’ understanding and empathy for other cultures and develop communication skills increasingly essential in a 21st century globalised world. The study of another language also enables students to undertake International Studies at University.

Students at Arden are offered the opportunity to study two languages across the Junior and Secondary years. Students in Years 11 and 12 also have the option of studying a language they are interested in through the NSW School of Languages.


Language studies increase students understanding and empathy for other cultures and help develop communication skills, increasingly essential in a 21st century globalised world. Students study a captivating Chinese course as part of the mandatory subjects offered in Years 7 and 8.  Chinese studies help to build a foundation of understanding the language as well as the culture of China, one of Australia’s major diplomatic and economic partners. Students can continue their study of Chinese after Year 8 as an external course, supported by Arden staff, with the School of Languages. As Confucius says, “When we study, we need to combine both thinking and learning to reach the best result”.


“To have another language is to possess a second soul.” ― Charlemagne

Le francais, c’est fantastique! Learning French is empowering. The employment of both sides of the brain enables students to develop abstract problem-solving skills and pattern recognition to enhance their acquisition of language. Students are afforded the opportunity to learn about and interact with other societies around the world, thus giving them distinctive communication skills and cultural knowledge to distinguish them from their peers. Past students have related how they have been inspired to continue studying French at university, gaining employment as diplomats, language teachers, tour guides, working in the hospitality industry, etc. French is also helpful as a launching pad for other languages such as Spanish, Portuguese and Italian; 50% of the English language is derived from the French language. French is offered from Years 7-12. Our dynamic and inventive teachers make this subject fun, whilst helping students to achieve an excellent standard of language acquisition. A French lesson is like a cultural journey into the world of French fashion, food, the arts, architecture and science. Students experience incursions and excursions to events such as The French Film Festival.

Students studying French in Year 12 have the option to study French Extension.


The Hammond Resource Centre (library) provides an interactive and safe space for Secondary students to explore the extensive physical and digital resources available to them. Our library has a diverse and comprehensive non-fiction resource collection supporting the curriculum, as well as access to the latest fiction books for readers at all levels.

The library is located in the centre of our Secondary Campus and is a central hub for students to study alone or collaborate in small groups. The library spaces have been designed with student wellbeing in mind and help promote a sense of belonging and love of learning.

Building research and study skills is a key focus of the Secondary library. Our qualified teacher librarian guides students on how to access and use various forms of information, identify misinformation, construct bibliographies, and develop exam skills, which prepares them to be life-long learners.

The Library is located adjacent to the Senior Study Centre, which allows easy access for students in Year 11 and 12 to utilise the available resources during school time and after school until 4.30pm Monday – Friday.


“Our love of Mathematics is contagious” is a quote from our Head of Department.  Mathematics is a subject of perseverance for many students in order to achieve their desired result or grade, and this helps to build character, whilst learning important skills and an appreciation for the relevance of Mathematics in our ever-change world.  Mathematics is a subject that rewards hard work and consistency of purpose and is arguably one of the most relevant subjects of the coming decade.  A deep understanding of Maths allows us to understand our world and at Arden we have many graduate success stories in this field.  We have had students go on to study Pure Mathematics at University, eventually winning the University Medal in Mathematics at UNSW, others becoming Mathematics teachers and actuaries.  For most students, the influence is often realised after leaving school. Many recount a memory of success after failure or knowing about Excel spreadsheets leading to procuring a job or the importance of Mathematics in their career.

Mathematics Extension 1 is offered to students in Years 11 and 12 who wish to study Mathematics at a higher level, Extension 2 is available for students in Year 12.


CAFS (Community & Family Studies)

Variety is what is so special about this subject.  CAFS provide students with the opportunity to develop their understanding of the diverse nature and interdependence of families and community within Australian society.  Students are enlightened and empowered to contribute to positive relationships. They develop knowledge and understanding about effective resource management to promote wellbeing for individuals, groups, families and communities.  Skills in critical thinking and the ability to take responsibility are key outcomes through addressing a variety of contemporary societal issues.


Life skills, positive relationship, personal health, safety and wellbeing as just a few outcomes of studying PDHPE.  This subject covers both physical education and personal development and health.  Physical education lessons allow students to try a range of different sports to improve skills, whilst also discovering sports to enjoy for the rest of their lives.  We utilise the  amazing facilities in our local community to give students experience in a range of sports such as diving, water polo, rock climbing, trampolining, gymnastics and golf just to name a few. 

The personal development and health lessons inspire students to be their best and use their skills to help others do the same.  They develop abilities and confidence as well as motivation for a lifelong health.  They are empowered to make positive choices, keep safe and to live a full and positive life.


Science (Years 7-10)

Children are naturally curious, full of wonder and excited to learn new things.  Science is practical learning to help build confidence, investigative skills, knowledge and inspiration.  Students are filled with pride when they light the Bunsen Burner for the first time, view a cell under the microscope, test ideas in the world around them and present opinion based on scientific fact and discovery.  We want our young scientists to understand that God’s creation – flora, fauna, and the ecosystem around them deserves to be safe guarded and protected.  Science can be a wonderful career or develop lifelong hobbies such as astronomy, sailing, studying insects, breeding chicken or growing vegetables.  Most of all, Science is fun as we discover why things go crash, bang, or simply go up in smoke!  We learn about each other, space, the universe, and our extraordinary world.


The study of Biology sees our students learn about the natural world and the complexity of God’s creation. By mastering the use of the microscope, students marvel at the structure and function of cells, and develop an understanding of how all organisms interact with their environment. Detailed study of DNA, genetics and diseases ensures students are inspired to care for and sustain humanity and the world around them. Students are equipped to further their interest in Biology through university studies, leading to careers in conservation and medical research.


Students are taken to a new level of discovery in Chemistry as they become confident to use chemical principles and reactions to explain phenomena in our world.  They are empowered to dig deeper in their topics of interest, to learn a new language of chemical symbols and explore chemical bonds.  There is a sense of pride as they persist in solving problems and master stoichiometry.  They are challenged to experiment and improve results, develop logical thinking skills, and apply quantitative problem-solving techniques.  This course will ensure that students have the knowledge, skills and perhaps the passion to further study at university and a career in a STEM or Science-based field.

Investigating Science

This subject allows students to take an in-depth look at how to apply scientific method.  Students develop critical thinking skills and are encouraged to question the validity and accuracy of statements made by others.  Our students are inspired to think sceptically about news stories and the science reported in the world around them.  They begin to discern pseudo-science form scientific fact (on social media) and become scientifically literate citizens who can lead others into better debate in society.  Students often pursue a career in STEM or further study at TAFE or university.


Knowing how to apply physical principals to explain how things works is the rigour of Physics.  Discussing everything from subatomic particles to the movement of galaxies, combined with applying theoretical concepts to solve quantitative problems is a regular day in this subject of special interest.  Students become deep thinkers, problem solvers and develop a healthy interest in the natural world. A passion for this subject could result in very rewarding future career or ongoing scientific recreational interests. 

Science Extension

This Higher School Certificate extension subject suits those who are passionate about Science and scientific ideas.  Students are challenged to explore the scientific inquiry process to greater depth and apply research tools such as statistic to test their own results.  Initially learning the methods of scientific research, the students then choose their own area of interest and undertake deep trailing of their own theories in order to complete a research project.  These projects are displayed at our annual HSC showcase and are the focus of much interest and inspirational learning.

Science Extension is offered to students in Year 12.


Stage 4 Technologies (Years 7 and 8)

Stage 4 Technology (Mandatory) introduces students to a variety of Technologies subject areas through the completion of individual design projects across the two years. Students learn about the design process and apply their learning across a variety of contexts, including Food, Agriculture, Textiles, Timber, Engineering and Digital Technologies. Critical and creative thinking skills are challenged through the conception, design, manufacture and evaluation of these practical projects. Students also develop an awareness of factors impacting upon designers, such as environmental, social, cultural and ethical issues.  Each year Stage 4 culminates in a STEM Challenge where students compete to build the most efficient and effective solution to a real-world problem related to space travel.

Stage 5 Technologies (Years 9 and 10)

In Stage 5, students can select from a range of Technologies subjects, including Food Technology, Engineering, Design and Technology and Information and Software Technology. Each of these subjects builds upon the skills developed in Stage 4 and enables students to follow their passion and enhance their practical skills.  Our specialist learning environments provide students with the opportunity to produce a diverse range of projects in response to identified needs.  Student also gain a deeper understanding of industrial and commercial settings, relevant employment opportunities and Workplace Health and Safety requirements.

Stage 6 Technologies (Years 11 and 12)

The wide range of Technologies subjects in Stage 6 provides students with the opportunity to further refine their skills and develop deep knowledge in their chosen area of study. Subject choices include Design and Technology, Food Technology, Engineering Studies, Multimedia Studies and Software Design. Across these subjects, students cover a diverse range of theoretical concepts and design and produce practical projects of their choosing — anything is possible. Students will enhance their practical skills and develop a strong understanding of the nature of work in each area of study. Selecting a Technologies subject in Stage 6 develops skills that are transferable to domestic and industrial settings and provides a strong foundation for further study in areas such as Design, Engineering, Nutrition, and Computing.


We aim to help students discover their own unique strengths and abilities in a safe and inclusive community.